Органи непідприємницьких юридичних осіб приватного права

Володимир Кочин

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Ключові слова: непідприємницьке товариство, приватна установа, корпоративне управ- ління, юридична особа приватного права, загальні збори, виконавчий орган, acquis ЄС, орга- ни юридичної особи

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Мета статті полягає у формуванні єдиного цивілістичного підходу до органів непідприємницьких юридичних осіб приватного права, зокрема в аспекті становлення та розвитку корпоративного управління в умовах євроінтеграції. Розвиток наукових поглядів на управління непідприємницькими товариствами має здійснюватися відповідно до двох чинників: 1) належна правова регламентація відповідно до фактичних відносин у цих товариствах; 2) врахування досвіду накопиченого з розвитком корпоративного права. Відсутність членства в організації не обов’язково передбачає одноосібність прийняття рішень в юридичній особі, адже і в товаристві, і в установі законодавством встановлена можливість формування колегіальних органів управління. Колективний порядок управління розглядається як корпоративне управління. У acquis ЄС спостерігаємо тенденцію до обов’язкового форму- вання мінімум двох органів управління: за допомогою одного формується воля (хоча фактично йдеться про орган, що має повноваження обмежені виключно законом), і за допомогою іншого – волевиявлення юридичної особи.

Аналіз розвитку acquis ЄС щодо статусів EEIG та SCE дозволяє зробити висновок про перехід від колективного (демократичного) управління до професійного, формування диференційованих органів, що мають компетенцію на окремих ділянках діяльності юридичної особи. Окремих напрямів дослідження заслуговують питання формування корпоративних норм, зокрема власне органами непідприємницьких юридичних осіб, а також впровадження неюридичних приписів в тому числі в межах «парасолькових» організацій. Назви органів управління сформовані відповідно до практики діяльності юридичних осіб в окремих сферах.


Bibliography Authored books

  1. Ahdar R and Leigh I, Religious Freedom in the Liberal State (Oxford University

    Press 2005).

  2. Basedow J, EU Private Law. Anatomy of a Growing Legal Order (Intersentia 2021)
  3. Cicoria C, Nonprofit Organizations Facing Competition. The Application of United

    States, European and German Competition Law to Not-for-Profit Entities (Peter Lang

    GmbH Europдischer Verlag der Wissenschaften 2006).

  4. Dine J, Koutsias M and Blecher M, Company Law in the New Europe. The EU Acquis,

    Comparative Methodology and Model Law (Edward Elgar).

  5. Doolan B, Principles of Irish Law (6th edn, Gill & Macmillan Ltd 2003).
  6. Grundmann S, European Company Law. Organizations, Finance and Capital Markets

    (2nd edn, Intersentia 2012).

  7. Kucherenko IM, Orhanizatsiino-pravovi formy yurydychnykh osib pryvatnoho prava

    [Organizational and legal forms of legal entities under private law] (VM Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2004) [in Ukrainian].

  8. Larcher D and Tayan B, Corporate Governance Matters. A Closer Look at Organizational Choices and Their Consequences (2nd edn, Paul Boger 2016).

11. Verrucoli P, Non-Profit Organizations (a Comparative Approach) (Dott A Ginffrй Editore 1985)

Edited books

орГани непІдприєМниЦькиХ юридичниХ оСІб приватноГо права…

  1. Aguilera R. V. Goyer M. and Castro LRK de, Regulation and Comparative Corporate Governance in Mike Wright and others (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance (Oxford University Press 2014).
  2. Anheier HK and Ben-Ner A (eds), The Study of the Nonprofit Enterprise. Theories and Approaches (Kluwer Academic / Plerum Publishers 2003).
  3. Archambault E. France in Andreas Schlьter, Volker Then and Peter Walkenhorst (eds), Foundations in Europe. Society Management and Law (Directory of Social Change 2001).
  4. Christians L–L and Overbeeke A. Religious Rules and Principles in Belgian Law in Rossella Bortoni, Rinaldo Cristofori and Silvio Ferrari (eds), Religious Rules, State Law, and Normative Pluralism – A Comparative Overview (Springer 2016).
  5. Davies P and others (eds), Corporate Boards in Law and Practice. A Comparative Analysis in Europe (Oxford University Press 2013)
  6. Dekker P. Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector in the Netherlands, Freedom of Association in China and Europe: Comparative Perspectives in Law and Practice (Koninklijke Brill NV 2005).
  7. Glaeser E. L. (ed), The Governance of Not-for-Profit Organizations (The University of Chicago Press).
  8. Graziadei M. State Norms, Religious Norms, and Claims of Plural Normativity under Democratic Constitutions in Rossella Bortoni, Rinaldo Cristofori and Silvio Ferrari (eds), Religious Rules, State Law, and Normative Pluralism – A Comparative Overview (Springer 2016).
  9. Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts (United Nations 2003).
  10. Harrow J. and Phillips S. D. Corporate Governance and Nonprofits. Facing up to Hybridization and Homoganization in Mike Wright and others (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance (Oxford University Press 2014).
  11. Hippel T von, Association in Jьrgen Basedow and others (eds), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law. Volume I (Oxford University Press).
  12. Hopt K. J. and Hippel T von (eds), Comparative Corporate Governance of Non-Profit Organizations (Cambridge University Press 2010).
  13. Hopt K. J. Common Principles of Corporate Governance in Europe? in Joseph A McCahery and others (eds), Corporate Governance Regimes. Convergence and Diversity (Oxford University Press 2002).
  14. Luts V. V. (ed), Pravovyi status nepidpryiemnytskykh orhanizatsii [Legal status of non-entrepreneurial organizations] (2006) [in Ukrainian].
  15. Mьnkner H-H. Co-Operative Principles and Co-Operative Law (1974).
  16. Nafziger JAR European and North American Models of Sport Organization in James AR Nafziger and Stephen F Ross (eds), Handbook on International Sport Law (Edward Elgar 2011).
    1. Nijman J. E. Grotius Imago Dei Anthropology. Grounding Ius Naturae et Gentium’ in Martti Koskenniemi, Mуnica Garcнa-Salmones Rovira and Paolo Amorosa (eds), International Law and Religion. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2017).
    2. Ploeg T. J. Van der, Veen WJM Van and Versteeghp CRM, Civil Society in Europe. Minimum Norms and Optimum Conditions of Its Regulation (Cambridge University Press 2017).
    3. Pullan B. Property, Charity, and Social Welfare in John Jr Witte and Frank S Alexander (eds), Chistianity and Law. An Introduction (Witte, John Jr Alexander, Frank S 2008).
    4. Scott C. Self-Regulation and Meta-Regulatory State’ in Fabrizio Cafaggi (ed), Reframing Self-Regulation in European Private Law (Kluwer Law International 2006).
    5. Semchyk V. I. and others, Kooperatyvne pravo [Cooperative Law] (VI Semchyk ed,

      In Yure 1998) [in Ukrainian].

    6. Spasybo-Fatieieva I. V. and others, Pravove rehuliuvannia nekomertsiinykh orhanizatsii

      v Ukraini: monohrafiia [Legal regulation of non-profit organizations in Ukraine:

      a monograph] (IV Spasybo-Fatieieva ed, Pravo 2013) [in Ukrainian].

    7. Spasybo-Fatieieva I. V. Borysova V. I. and Pechenyi O. P. Pravove Rehuliuvannia Nekomertsiinykh Orhanizatsii v Ukraini: Monohrafiia [Legal Regulation of Non- Commercial Organizations in Ukraine: Monograph] (I V. Spasybo-Fatieieva ed,

      Pravo 2013) [in Ukrainian].

    8. Spasybo-Fatieieva I. V. Kibenko O. R. and Borysova V. I. Korporatyvne Upravlinnia:

      Monohrafiia [Corporate Governance: Monograph] (I V. Spasybo-Fatieieva ed,

      Pravo 2007) [in Ukrainian].

    9. Tierney B. Natural Law and Natural Rights in John Jr Witte and Frank S Alexander

      (eds), Chistianity and Law. An Introduction (Witte, John Jr Alexander, Frank S 2008)

    10. Tsyvilni Vidnosyny u Nepidpryiemnytskykh Tovarystvakh Ta Ustanovakh: Teoretyko- Pravovi Zasady Adaptatsii Zakonodavstva Ukrainy Do Acquis YeS [Civil relations in non-entrepreneurail societies and foundations: theoretical and legal bases of adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine to the EU acquis] (The Academician F H Burchak Scientific-Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship

      of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine 2021) [in Ukrainian].

    11. Wieshaider W. Religious Rules Under Austrian State Law in Rossella Bortoni, Rinaldo Cristofori and Silvio Ferrari (eds), Religious Rules, State Law, and Normative

      Pluralism – A Comparative Overview (Springer 2016).

    12. Zaman N. Groot C de and Steensel M van, Foundations in the Netherlands: Present

      and Proposed Legislation and Their Role in the Economy [2016] Non Profit Law Yearbook.

    Thesis abstracts
    40. Biliaiev O. O. Sportyvni orhanizatsii yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Sports organizations as subjects of civil law: autoref.

    thesis … candidate law sciences: 12.00.03] (Yaroslav the Wise National Law

    University 2015) [in Ukrainian].

    1. Chepurnov V. O. Pravovyi status blahodiinykh ustanov ta tovarystv za zakonodavstvom

      Ukrainy: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Legal status of charitable institutions and societies under the legislation of Ukraine: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (VM Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2004) [in Ukrainian].

    2. Dobkina K. R. Tsyvilno-pravovyi status torhovo-promyslovoi palaty Ukrainy: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Civil and legal status of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (Kyiv Law University 2012) [in Ukrainian].
    3. Dudorova K. B. Tsyvilno-pravove rehuliuvannia diialnosti tovarnykh birzh v Ukraini: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Civil law regulation of commodity exchanges in Ukraine: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (1995) [in Ukrainian].
    4. Filatova N. Iu. Samorehulivni orhanizatsii yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Self-regulatory organizations as subjects of civil law: autoref. thesis … candidate law Science: 12.00.03 (Yaroslav the Wise National Law University 2014)] (Yaroslav the Wise National Law University 2014) [in Ukrainian].
    5. Fuchedzhi V. D. Relihiini orhanizatsii yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Fucheji VD, Religious organizations as subjects of civil law: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs 2006) [in Ukrainian].
    6. Kaptalan I. M. Politychni partii yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Political parties as subjects of civil law: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (National University «Odesa Law Academy» 2015) [in Ukrainian].
    7. Kryvenko Yu. V. Tsyvilno-pravovyi status relihiinykh orhanizatsii v Ukraini: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Civil and legal status of religious organizations in Ukraine: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (Odesa National Law Academy 2007) [in Ukrainian].
    8. Leshchenko D. S. Pravovyi status ustanov v tsyvilnomu pravi Ukrainy: avtoref. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Legal status of foundations in the civil law of Ukraine: autoref. … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (National University of Internal Affairs 2005).
    9. Litvina O. Iu. Pravove polozhennia blahodiinykh orhanizatsii v Ukraini: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Legal position of charitable organizations in Ukraine: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (2003) [in Ukrainian].
    10. Mandryka L. M. Pravo vlasnosti politychnykh partii v Ukraini: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Ownership of political parties in Ukraine: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (2005) [in Ukrainian].
      1. Mashukov R. O. Pravo vlasnosti sadivnytskoho tovarystva ta yoho chleniv: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Ownership of the horticultural society and its members: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (2010) [in Ukrainian].
      2. Mendzhul M. V. Hromadski orhanizatsii yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Public organizations as subjects of civil law: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (2011) [in Ukrainian].
      3. Paruta Yu. I. Hromadski obiednannia yak uchasnyky tsyvilnykh pravovidnosyn: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Civil associations as participants in civil legal relations: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (Academician FH Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2015) [in Ukrainian].
      4. Piddubna V. F. Relihiini orhanizatsii yak subiekty tsyvilnykh pravovidnosyn: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Religious organizations as subjects of civil legal relations: autoref. thesis … candidate law Science … 12.00.03] (Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine 2008) [in Ukrainian].
      5. Plakhina I. V. Tsyvilno-pravovyi status birzh: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Civil and legal status of exchanges] (2009) [in Ukrainian].
      6. Tikhonova M. A. Nepidpryiemnytski fizkulturno-sportyvni orhanizatsii yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Non-entrepreneurial physical culture and sports organizations as subjects of civil law: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (2009) [in Ukrainian].
      7. Ushchapivska L. V. Tsyvilno-pravovyi status hromadskykh obiednan: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Civil and legal status of public associations: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences: 12.00.03] (VM Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2015) [in Ukrainian].
      8. Vitka Yu. V. Nederzhavni pensiini fondy: osoblyvosti tsyvilno-pravovoho statusu: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.03 [Non-state pension funds: peculiarities of civil legal status: autoref. thesis … candidate law sciences: 12.00.03] (2008) [in Ukrainian].
      9. Zelisko A. V. Pravovyi status spozhyvchykh tovarystv: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Legal status of consumer associations: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (VM Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2008) [in Ukrainian].
      10. Zhyhalkin I. P. Ustanovy yak yurydychni osoby: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Foundations as legal entities: autoref. thesis … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine 2009) [in Ukrainian].

      Doctor’s thesis

      61. Lytvyn I. V. Pravove rehuliuvannia blahodiinoi diialnosti v Yevropi: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Legal regulation of charitable activities in Europe:

      dissertation. … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University 2015) [in Ukrainian].

      1. Shpuhanych I. I. Blahodiini orhanizatsii yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Charitable organizations as subjects of civil law: thesis. … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (Ivan Franko Lviv National University; Ternopil National University of Economics 2018) [in Ukrainian].
      2. Soloviov A. N. Pravo sobstvennosty professyonalnykh soiuzov Ukrainy: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [The right of ownership of professional unions of Ukraine: dissertation. … candidate law Sciences … 12.00.03] (2002) (in Russian).
      3. Stratiuk O. M. Zaklady yak uchasnyky tsyvilnykh pravovidnosyn: dys. … dokt. filos. … 081 – Pravo [Institutions (Zaklady) as participants in civil legal relations: dissertation. … Dr. philosophy … 081 – Law] (State higher educational institution «Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University»2021) [in Ukrainian].
      4. Voitsekhovska Kh. V. Fond harantuvannia vkladiv fizychnykh osib yak uchasnyk tsyvilnykh vidnosyn: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Fund for Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals as a Participant in Civil Relations: dissertation. … candidate law sciences … 12.00.03] (State higher educational institution «Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University» 2016) [in Ukrainian].
      5. Yurkevych Yu. M. Dohovirni formy obiednan fizychnykh ta yurydychnykh osib u tsyvilnomu pravi Ukrainy. Dys. … dokt. yuryd. nauk. 12.00.03 [Contractual forms of associations of individuals and legal entities in the civil law of Ukraine. Diss. … Dr. law of science 12.00.03] (Ivan Franko Lviv National University; VM Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2017) [in Ukrainian].
      6. Zozuliak O. I. Nepidpryiemnytski yurydychni osoby yak subiekty tsyvilnoho prava: teoretychnyi ta praktychnyi aspekty: dys. … dokt. yuryd. nauk … 12.00.03 [Non- entrepreneurial legal entities as subjects of civil law: theoretical and practical aspects: thesis. … Dr. law Sciences … 12.00.03] (Academician FH Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2017) [in Ukrainian].

      Conference materials

      1. Fisman R. and Hubbard R. G. The Role of Nonprofit Endowments in Edward L Glaeser (ed), The Governance of Non-for-Profit Organizations (The University of Chicago Press 2003).
      2. Hondius F. Foundations, Associations and foundations. Multilateral meeting organised by the Counsil of Europe. Strasbourg, 27–29 November 1996 (Council of Europe Publishing).
      3. Kochyn V. V. Administruvannia Nederzhavnoho Pensiinoho Fondu: Stan Ta Perspektyvy Udoskonalennia Funktsii Iz Derzhavnoho Rehuliuvannia Rynkiv

        Finansovykh Posluh [Administration of a non-state pension fund: the state and prospects for improving the functions of state regulation of financial services markets] in V . V. Luts (ed), Zakonodavstvo pro aktsionerni tovarystva: novatsii ta perspektyvy [Legislation on joint-stock companies: innovations and perspectives]: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats za materialamy XVIII Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (23 zhovtnia 2020 roku, m. Ivano-Frankivsk) (NDI pryvatnoho prava i pidpryiemnytstva imeni akad F H Burchaka NAPrN Ukrainy 2020) [in Ukrainian].


        71. PADR. Pro Nas [About Us] URL: us/ (accessed 30.04.2024) [in Ukrainian].