The article is devoted to the analysis of a digital thing as property and its negotiability. It is argued that the formation of digital property law is based on the functional approach of introducing digital things into property and law of obligations as property, property or other rights which reflect the essence of a digital thing. It is noted that digital things are property if they have property value, can be alienated and can be enforced by creditors, regardless of their equation to things or recognition as property (obligatory, etc.) rights. It is noted that by their legal nature, digital things are heterogeneous intangible property benefits that exist in electronic form and express value or contractual rights. Different types of digital things are legally characterized by property, obligatory or other rights which determine the nature of rights of a digital thing.
The study applies dialectical, comparative legal, formal and logical, and systemic and structural methods of scientific cognition.
It is proved that the formation of digital property and obligation law inherent in modern law is a global trend characterized by the gradual recognition of certain types of digital things as property equivalent to things or property rights, taking into account the provisions of law and the essence of a digital thing, and the creation of functional equivalents of possession, property rights inherent in traditional property or obligation law, taking into account the peculiarities caused by the intangible nature of digital things.
How to Cite
In accordance with DSTU 8302:2015:
Майданик Р. Цифрова річ як майно та її оборотоздатність. Цивілістична платформа. 2025. № 1 (4). С. 19-59. https://doi.org/10.69724/2786-8834-2025-4-1-19-59
According to the international style of APA:
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