Is the prohibition on obstruction and the mandatory offer rule the cornerstone of European takeover law?

Habersack Matias

3-й випуск. Обкладинка


The Takeover Directive’s prohibition of obstruction and mandatory offer rules contain two principles that have set the tone for UK takeover law for approximately the last 50 years. Changes in the economic and legal environment of the corporate control market since the adoption of the Takeover Directive, however, call into question the legitimacy of both principles. This is in addition to the increasing importance of institutional investors, the growing shareholder activism and influence of voting consultants, and the recently adopted reform of the Shareholder Rights Directive. The article is aimed at supporting the transfer to corporate law of the resolution of conflicts of interest arising from the performance of directors’ duties and the protection of minority shareholders in the event of control of a target company, a path that has long been followed by US law.

How to Cite

In accordance with DSTU 8302:2015:
Хаберзак М. Заборона на створення перешкод і правило обов’язкової пропозиції – наріжний камінь європейського законодавства про поглинання? Цивілістична платформа. 2024. № 3. С. 6-42.

According to the international style of APA:
Habersack, M. (2024) Is the prohibition on obstruction and the mandatory offer rule the cornerstone of European takeover law? С. P. Journal, 3. [in Ukrainian].